This time we have two interesting activities in our PPD session. The very first session was Expert Game. It was quit interesting game. So First of all madam asked that which field we were interested in and then we were separated into 4 groups.

Then we were asked to select three expertise fields from each group and asked to develop a product which covers all three fields that we choose earlier. All the four groups were comes up with some great ideas with high technologies but unfortunately our madam expected a simple idea from us. It was a fun filled activity.

The next game was Thread and Pen. It was also a different kind of game and we were seated in the same groups that how we seated earlier for Expert Game. Now what madam did was, she gave us a paper, pen, Thread and a Sellotape. Now what we asked to do is we want to plan a strategy and wrote down the word "Viper" on the paper without touching the pen and the paper with the use of Thread and the Sellotape. Luckily all the teams were managed to do that work correctly. From both of the games we learnt how to work as a team, how to manage given resources.



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